Monday, September 8, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Queen's Day celebrations

We had a great time - we went to a square where there was a street party and rocked out.
The next day there was a concert in Museumplein, so we headed down there.
I've got my hangover glasses on...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Muiderslot Castle and Volendam village
Look, it even has a moat!

Here's me outside the front.
It was pretty cool to stand inside something which has been standing since 1200 and something. (Although its recently refurbished and has been added onto about a million times since it was first built).
The only bad thing was the large school group of very annoying dutch children.
The funniest part - we took the guided audio tour (in English of course). The English of this was pretty bad - sometimes there were lots of words but they didn't make much sense! Clearly the person who wrote the script seemed obsessed with the ceilings (which in all honestly looked the same as each other). It was classic!
After the castle we headed out to Volendam - this adorable little dutch village on the coast of the Zuidersee. There are heaps of little souvenir shops and so we shopped up a storm - gifts as well as stuff for us. It was great! I love souvenir shops and so I was like a kid at christmas, darting in and out of the stores while Claire begged me to stop for lunch!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
It's Puppy Time!
He already knows about where food goes - he wants whatever Yvonne's having!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Farewell BBQ at the boys' house
Here's Cherilyn and I later on in the evening...
A bunch of us girls got Kyryll to take us for a ride on his scooter - very fun but very scary!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Snoop Dogg Concert in Amsterdam
Monday, April 21, 2008
Keukenhof with Vanessa
And here I am frolicking in the flowers!

And here are my wheels for the afternoon!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Birthday Bash and Vanessa Visit
Karen, Claire and I went out for lunch to this great Chinese restaurant - the atmosphere was so relaxing, it was like a day spa. We had some super food before heading back to work. On the way there was a promo girl handing out tiny cans of Coke Zero for free - Happy Birthday to me!
I look like a giant holding the wee can!
A group of us went out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant (we had to search and search to find one that had nachos - I love nachos!). We had frozen margaritas and some delicious pina coladas. Cherilyn and Claire decorated the table with balloons - and tied one to my wrist too.
After dinner we headed out to Boom Chicago, the comedy club. The Late Nite show is an all-improvisation show where the cast are also drinking. It was much funnier than the show we went to with Scott - not sure if its because I had been drinking or because the cast had been!
Here's Vanessa, Kyryll and I at Boom Chicago-
Afterwards the others headed out to a club but Vanessa and I hit the hay - we had a big day ahead of us the next day!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sunday with Shando

Here's another picture that Shando took - the accounting records from a hundred years ago! HAHA - she's an accounting nerd :)

What still surprises me about Europe is how old everything is! Like this building - over 300 years old and still being used!

And the sky was kind of scary!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Weekend with Ange - Saturday
We walked along this little path out to the pole in the middle. It was really windy!
Then we went to this really lame water park (sorry Shando!) in Neeltje Jans where we learned about the deltawerken and the way the Dutch keep the sea off their country.
We walked along the sea wall (and saw the gates).

Afterwards, we went back to Kinderdijk (where i took Dad) to see it at sunset. I felt a bit sorry for this poor guy who was near us... we were waiting for the sun to set and he was too. He looked semi-professional - he had a tripod and everything. We were being loud and obnoxious and quite clearly standing in the right spot, because he edged closer and closer to us. When it got to the point where Ange was trying to take photos using my head as the tripod, I think he must have been struggling not to laugh out loud.

Friday, April 11, 2008
Cath's departure
Cath, one of the South Africans also on secondment here left on Friday, so we had to celebrate/comiserate this properly!! (her secondment was only three months)

We kicked things off by getting together a posse and heading to a little Italian restaurant. Not a very good italian restaurant though - the waiter starts by announcing that even though he is the waiter, he does not look that old (which was incorrect). I wish I'd got a photo but was freaked out by him quietly asking me which of us girls had a boyfriend and then mysteriously disappearing once the guys showed up!

After dinner we headed off to the ice bar - it has a cold room where the bar and the walls are all ice, and there are statues that are ice too. They give you jackets and gloves and shoes (if you need them)
Here's Ange and I with some frozen fruit dacquiris
Here's Ricketts continuing the trend of the Auckland boys holding handbags...
Here's Kieran in Cologne back in February...
Anyhoo, here's Cherilyn geared up for the ice bar
And here it is! Not as impressive as I expected... kind of just a big fridge...
Here's some of the crew inside the ice bar...
And our frozen glasses - they were made of ice too!!
Here's me with Cath and Ricketts
Here's Kieran, Claire, me and Cath
This guy was H.O.T! Cath loved it :)