Cath, one of the South Africans also on secondment here left on Friday, so we had to celebrate/comiserate this properly!! (her secondment was only three months)

We kicked things off by getting together a posse and heading to a little Italian restaurant. Not a very good italian restaurant though - the waiter starts by announcing that even though he is the waiter, he does not look that old (which was incorrect). I wish I'd got a photo but was freaked out by him quietly asking me which of us girls had a boyfriend and then mysteriously disappearing once the guys showed up!

After dinner we headed off to the ice bar - it has a cold room where the bar and the walls are all ice, and there are statues that are ice too. They give you jackets and gloves and shoes (if you need them)
Here's Ange and I with some frozen fruit dacquiris
Here's Ricketts continuing the trend of the Auckland boys holding handbags...
Here's Kieran in Cologne back in February...
Anyhoo, here's Cherilyn geared up for the ice bar
And here it is! Not as impressive as I expected... kind of just a big fridge...
Here's some of the crew inside the ice bar...
And our frozen glasses - they were made of ice too!!
Here's me with Cath and Ricketts
Here's Kieran, Claire, me and Cath
This guy was H.O.T! Cath loved it :)
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